Monday, 28 January 2013

Business Development Officer at Banglore

Quallification:MBA in business development 
Experience:1-4 years
Pay scale :14500-900-25000.Detailed profiles are to be reached before 12/2/2013 at
    Rajalekshmi Group of Industries,Jayhind tower,IInd street, Bangalore,7.
   For more details, log on to :www.rajalekshmi

Tuesday, 15 January 2013

Faculty at IIT

 Applications are invited from experienced candidates for posts professors, assistant professors and associate professors at IIT Bhuvaneswarfor immediate selection. The details of the appointment  is as follows:
       post                               pay scale                                 eligibility                          experience       
  1. professor               22000-800-38000               PG in computer science ,NET                     8 Yrs
  1. assistant professor  12500-450-24000              net/slet                                                         5yrs
  1. associate professor  15000-600-35000             Net/Slet                                                        4yrs
                eligible candidates may send detailed Bio data enclosing the true copies of certificate revealing eligibility before 23/1/2013.dd n the name of Registrar,IIT Bhuvaneswar ,valuing Rs.980(General)/Rs.500(SC/ST/OEC) should be enclosed thereto                 

Friday, 11 January 2013


Saambaar is a south indian curry it is a  vegitable curry. its best combination is with Idli.we can prepare it with any type of vegitables. since it contains variety of vegitables, it is enriched with plenty of proteens and vitamins.

Grapevine communication

 formal communication alone can't fulfill the needs of an organisation to acheive its objectives.there arises need for having informal relationship inside the business. such informal relationship give way toinformal communication which is also known as GRAPEVINE.
                                      As the name suggest, grapevine doesn't have any pre defined structure and happens according to the depth in relationshipIt explains the inter personal relationsamong the people working in the org.

traditional kerala jewellery

 There is a huge collection of traditional Kerala jewellery. they include palakkamala, naagapadamaala, kaashumaala, mangamala,jimikki aanathalavala,mekkamothiram,thoda  and so on.each one is sparks light on the great Kerala history.this may include governance,love,wars,affection,etc

                 Although life and lifestyle has been changed,the Kerala traditional jewellery have there own position in the market.they are being demanded  even by the foreigners.A feel of heredity,varied style of production and royal outlook make them attractive even in this modern these are in the market with modified outlook according to the tastes of modern customer